I think it should just be called Wednesday's Art Project for now on, don't you? Late or early, doesn't mater as long as it makes it up, that's my philosophy lately. So this week the word is remember, Liz's is on the top and Kalli's is on the bottom.
This week I did a little photo montage of all of the vintage items that my Aunt Donna sent me a few weeks back. You may remember me mentioning that she sold her home and had to pare down a bit. That awesome green garbage can also appears in this post. The upper left are the most amazing towels I have ever seen. The tag says Sears. The upper right is my Grandma's gray cat that she painted in her ceramics class in the seventies. I have very fond memories of this statue and her real gray cat that this was modeled after. Her cat's name was simply, Kitty. The little inset on the photo is from the bottom where her name and the year 1976 are etched. The bottom left is a cute ceramic plate and in the bottom right, 3 really cool garbage cans. I'm quite sure that Anthropologie would easily reproduce that yellow one and charge $55 for it. So all of these items make me remember time with family. My Aunt Deenie remembered everything that I have liked and commented on over the years. Thanks Aunt Deenie!
I was a little blocked on this one, and this was the image I had stuck in my head. Did people seriously used to tie strings around their fingers to remember something? My memory is so bad that I might need to start doing that.
Ha! Yours is really cute, Kalli! Yes, I've heard that before but I have never actually seen it in action. I may bring it back for nostalgia's sake. Don't you think it would be so charming to see someone with a piece of yarn tied around their finger trying to remember why it's there?