I know, I know. It is almost Thanksgiving and I am over here talking about Halloween. In all of the hub bub of late I have neglected to share Rylie's avocado costume, or "cado" as she puts it. I designed and made it during the day on Halloween and it was a sweaty, heart-pumping race to the finish with this one. Thank goodness we were done in time for trick or treating. I cut the avocado shape out of felt and stuffed it up to get the curves right. Speaking of curves, there was a bit of learning curve involved in walking in said costume for little Rylie, but she was quite pleased once she had the hang of it. We visited a few houses and collected a bit of candy (for Daddy!) It reminded me of my experiences as a kid on Halloween - traipsing through the wet leaves, sweating behind a plastic, Raggedy Ann mask which was held in place by the thinnest width of elastic. The elastic would always manage to get twisted in my hair and tug on little strands the whole evening, but I would soldier on through the pain - a small price to pay for all of those delicious treats.