Looking back at 2011 in photos, helps me to literally see that we were blessed with an abundant year. I am grateful that this little blog reminds me of all of the small and beautiful moments that I may have long forgotten if they were not recorded here. It allows me to touch in on my life, and to give pause and appreciation for what is most meaningful - the little things.
I'm not much on resolutions. I used to be. Oh boy, did I ever used to be. I think there was a long period in my life when I was really impatient, that I wanted things a certain way and I wanted them immediately. But life is not like that. I used to think that if I could really buckle down and discipline myself hard enough, then I could do or change anything that I didn't like about myself. And my resolutions were not limited to behaviors or habits either. I believed that if I willed it just the right way, I could make my fine hair thick and lustrous, and my straight legs curvy. After this method failed me way too many times to mention, I have come to realize that real change has to be more natural, more relaxed and gentle. Real change can not come from anywhere but my own heart. I have to truly want to change something. The militant dictator inside me can not demand change. It has to grow, and if I am not ready, no amount of hard work in the world will get me there any quicker.
The top photo was taken when Rylie first met her cousin Kenzi way back in January. The differences in the littlest ones during the course of a year are nothing short of amazing. For Rylie, a year is 80% of her entire life, but for me, it is only 1/35th. Getting older and adding up the years offers perspective. I've come to realize that putting one foot in front of the other, little by little, can move me into new places. And the barrier - time - actually becomes the facilitator. If one thing is certain, it is that it all keeps moving and changing - always. That is the nature of impermanence.
I was in the drugstore tonight picking up contact solution, and I was watching Rylie as she was toddling around under the fluorescent lights. She loves it in there because of the endless bottles and boxes right at her eye level to look at and rearrange. She picked up a couple of toy cars and was carrying them around setting them on different shelves and then she looked up at me with the most open, innocent expression. I had the sudden notion that she was growing in front of my eyes. Right there, I expereinced true evidence of the passage of time. In that moment, I got a glimpse of an older Rylie.