Becoming a parent changes your life in tremendous and profound ways, and oddly enough we felt somewhat prepared for that shift. Not that we had any idea what it would feel like, or what our days would be like, but we were open and ready for anything. However, what we did not anticipate is just how much stuff comes into the home when you have a new baby. In the beginning, things are manageable, especially if you co-sleep and breastfeed as we do. But by this point, as we are nearing the 18 month mark, we are wondering just how many belongings can fit under one roof. After this past Christmas, a lot of our gifts sat on a bookshelf in our living room that I would pass by day after day wondering where it would all go. I knew it was time to get a system figured out (I secretly love this kind of organizing.) This is how our house looked as I was doing the figuring.
On days like this one, when all of the closets are spilling their guts and there is not a place to walk because of stuff overload, I realize it is time for a good purge. With some shuffling about which set off a chain reaction of other piles of stuff being shuffled about, we figured out the best place for all of the toys and art supplies was the closet in our living room. One of the best features of this apartment are the huge walk in closets in every room.
It was important to us to keep all of Rylie's toys visible and at her eye level so that she can easily see what is available to her. We keep a limited number of toys on these shelves at one time and we have a library of other toys that we rotate in on occasion to keep her interest. I also wanted to organize the growing art and craft collection which you can see in the bins on the top two shelves. But perhaps the best thing in this whole closet: open space. Bare shelves with air and room to grow. And when the toy situation becomes unruly, out of control and spilling all over as it inevitably will, we can either clean it out or simply close the door. Brilliant.
And how does Little Miss like it? Well, she just can't wait to show it off to everyone that comes over. Including her Grandma Scott that just flew in from North Carolina today!