While on the topic of all there is to be grateful for when considering our current living situation, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the gem of a tree house that is just on the other side of the fence in our backyard. We have been in our place for a good long while, and a nice benefit to that sort of longevity is the comfort and familiarity that comes with our neighbors and the relationships we've built with the other families living around us. Ours is truly a sharing economy and this gem of a tree house is no exception.
This is a play structure of creative genius. Built from found materials like pallets, fencing and ropes, it is modular and the arrangement of its parts can transform and change as the kids see fit. It consists of a platform underneath a big shade tree, so not exactly in the tree but all the better to change and rearrange when one might want to add, oh, you know, a working drawbridge! There is plenty of shade, plenty of rope and imaginative play for days. We feel so lucky to live next to such an amazing little place.