Hmmm... I read once that you shouldn't apologize for your absence from your blog - your readers are just glad that you showed up! So without apologizing, I will say that summertime is awfully active around here, as is my soon to be 2 year old. Really? Rylie is going to be two this Saturday! I want to be in this space more often and I am going to make a real commitment to that goal. Ever since Rylie was born I have been trying to figure out exactly what I want this place to be. Most of all I want it to be a record, a document of our days and our creative pursuits. So here's to new resolutions and new habits! Our friends went to Paris last fall and brought Rylie back this super sweet doll. She can even go in the bathtub though we have yet to bring her in there. Rylie calls her "Pink Baby," quite fitting don't you think? I made her a few diapers which are nothing more than a simple cut from felt and a couple of velcro closures on each side. Rylie loved this and is always insisting that Pink Baby needs a diaper change. I saw a simple pattern in this library book for a halter sweater for a stuffed animal and modified it a bit to fit Pink Baby. I just knew that Rylie would get a kick out of seeing her in different clothes. Admittedly, my knitted embroidery needs some work but it was fun nonetheless and Rylie says "haut, haut" and points to her chest. I should mention that I have recently begun meeting weekly with a few fellow mama knitters and it is such fun to have a little knitting circle of sorts while the kids play. We are going to start setting up art projects for the kids, too - I can't wait. We are likeminded parents and really have a desire to make creativity a priority in our everyday lives.
I've got quite a bit to catch up on here and I also need the sort of daily vacation that this wonderful outlet of blogging provides. Rylie is getting big and is a full blown toddler. With all of that miraculous physical growth (and lots of new hair) comes all kinds of emotional and cognitive growth as well. Not to mention lots of chaotic fun and some big challenges too. I need a spot to write all of this down.