We were lucky enough to turn over the new year in the mountains with our dear friends Mandy, Griff and Fauna. We spent New Year's together last year in the same, most magical, of places. I am hopeful that this could become a very special tradition for our families. Oh, I hope so, I really really do. We also snuck in a trip for St. patrick's Day last year, too. We love it so, and it is relatively close to the city.
It was warm when we left LA, but as we approached the mountains, the clouds kept piling up on top of each other and the lazy hazy fog appeared that could only mean one thing: SNOW!! Our hopes and wishes of the past few days were gloriously granted.
It wasn't long before we saw kids and adults alike taking advantage of all of that snowy goodness. This particular hill was so steep and icy, I was very happy to whizz by as an onlooker from my toasty warm heated seat.
Pine Mountain Club is a private community nestled in the Los Padres National Forest in a deep valley on the San Andreas fault. It is a sleepy place of beauty, filled with vacation homes for rent and surrounded by mountains. Unlike other mountain communities in Southern California, PMC is not a mecca for winter holidayers from the city. That is why we like it, it is quiet, like really quiet (like the town's two restaurants are closed on New Year's Eve, quiet.)
We arrived at our very well-appointed rental just in time for lunch.
After lunch there were puzzles to do, birds to watch, books to read . . .
and I sat and knit knit knitted my head off as I had a hat to finish.
After all of that fresh snow had fallen we had to get out and play regardless of what time the clock said.
In the morning when the static electricity has wreaked havoc on your already infamous bedhead . . .
. . . it's really nice if you can have your best friend there to tame it for you.
If it still doesn't calm after all that fuss, you can alwyas pull on your new hat!
After more snow play, our New Year's Eve was filled with cake-baking, spoon-licking, castle-building, book-reading, fire-making, teddy bear-carrying, and game-playing. We said goodbye to 2012 doing all of our favorite things with our favorite people. Perfection.
On New Year's Day, we went up up up to the very top of the big mountain wrapped in all of our warmest woollens and sleds in tow. It was cold up there, but filled with people young and old playing together. So many sweet sights as we climbed the mountain: tiny dogs in even tinier Scandinavian ski sweaters, tailgaters cooking food on barbecues that they hauled all the way to the top, cozy clad children sipping warm mugs of soup, fresh families hugging fresh snowmen. So many people taking advantage of the holiday and starting the year off with such fun.
I honestly could not have imagined a more picturesque, storybook setting to play, sled, and explore. We made our way through the snow on the top of the mountain and took in breathtaking views that surrounded us on all sides - ancient Ponderosa Pines, and lichen covered rocks.
If you are wondering the perfect way to end an enchanting little respite in the mountains with your most wonderful of friends, the answer is with a moustache party (of course!)
***************************** HAPPY NEW YEAR *******************************